Monday 27 May 2013


Using energy-efficient lighting is an easy, effective way to save energy and reduce your electricity bills. From turning off lights when you leave the room to using energy-efficient CFLs, we’ve got lighting tips to help save you money.

lighting tips
  • switch to  energy efficient compact florescent light bulbs (CFLs)   and  save up to $40 in energy costs over the life of each bulb
  • timers that automatically turn lights on and off can reduce energy use and increase safety by making your house appear occupied, even when no one is home
  • turn off unnecessary lights and appliances; they add heat to your home
  • when 1 light burns out, the strand stays lit
  • LED holiday lights can cost more than traditional bulbs but quickly pay for themselves in energy savings. Use our **Holiday Light Calculator** to discover how much you can save by switching to LED holiday lights.
  • LEDs are 90% more efficient than traditional holiday lights
  • LEDs burn cooler than standard lights
  • LEDs have a life of 25,000+ hours, much longer than standard lights
  • safely connect many strands of lights without overloading circuits


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